Diet by blood type

The diet is based on the principles of naturopathic physician James D'Adamo, who states that blood type and human nutrition are closely interrelated. The blood type diet is based on the postulate that during the evolution of mankind, the composition of the blood changed and closely correlated with the type of food consumed by the overwhelming majority of the population of a particular time period.

Despite the presence of a certain logic in this statement, there is no evidence-based scientific basis for separate nutrition by blood group. Some idea of the correspondence of food products for people with different blood groups is given by the table below for food by blood group.

Blood type

I (O)

II (A)



Featured Products Diet red meat (lamb / beef), cod, pike red fish, olive oil, figs, beets, walnuts, pumpkin seeds. Seafood, legumes, soy, rice, vegetable oils, buckwheat, artichoke, soy products, pineapples, Jerusalem artichoke, vegetables. Olive oil, lamb, goat cheese, rabbit meat, oatmeal, flounder, mackerel, cod, rice, parsley plum, white cabbage. Wheat bread, dairy products, turkey meat, lamb, mackerel, oatmeal, cod, corn oil, cranberries, collard greens, pineapples.
Limited products Fatty meats, cheeses, dairy products, cottage cheese, pasta and flour products, potatoes, corn / peanut butter, strawberries, tangerines, olives, melons, oranges, avocados. Wheat bread, ketchup, mayonnaise, potatoes, apricots, cranberries. It is advisable to exclude meat and various meat products from the diet. Rye bread, beef, pork, chicken, goose, shrimp, anchovies, heart, lobster, eel, corn, sunflower, peanut butter, buckwheat, tomatoes, persimmons, pomegranates. Whole milk, beef, duck, bacon, pumpkin seeds, flounder, crab, olive oil, salmon, beans, buckwheat, bananas, radish, pomegranates, avocado.
Weight gain foods Legumes, wheat, corn, cabbage / cabbage. Dairy products, beans, meat, wheat. Buckwheat, corn, peanuts, lentils, sesame seeds. Beans, corn, buckwheat, wheat, red meat.
Weight loss foods Seafood, red meat, liver. Soy products, vegetables, pineapples, vegetable oils. Red meat, low fat dairy products, liver eggs, green vegetables. Green vegetables, dairy products, seafood (excluding dried, canned, smoked and dried), soy products, pineapples.

Diet for 1 blood group

The diet for 1 positive blood group is based on the inclusion in the diet of mainly products containing proteins of animal origin. In the diet of people of this blood group, it is necessary to include low-fat varieties of red meat (beef / lamb), offal (heart, liver, lungs), turkey meat, sea / river fish (herring, sturgeon, trout, halibut, perch, salmon, mackerel, cod, sardine, pike), excluding salted, smoked and pickled fish.

Other products containing animal protein (dairy products, chicken eggs) are poorly digested, with the exception of cottage cheese and can be consumed in very limited quantities. It is recommended to replace them with soy milk / tofu curd, however soy products can be used as an additional, but not basic.

The diet for blood group 1 includes foods that contribute to weight loss - artichoke, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, spinach, Jerusalem artichoke, beet leaves, leeks, radishes, spinach, broccoli, parsley, garlic, horseradish, pumpkin, plums, figs. Fruit neutral vegetables include mushrooms, zucchini, daikon, ginger, fennel, tomato, dill, quince, watermelon, pear, apricot, peach, cherry, gooseberry, grape.

Poorly digested and undesirable for weight loss: eggplant, avocado, white / red cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, black olives, potatoes, tangerines, oranges, strawberries, strawberries, melon. Of the drinks, linden / rosehip tea, plum and pineapple juice are especially useful, as they speed up the metabolism. It is not recommended to consume chocolate, ice cream, strong coffee, cola, black tea.

vegetables on a blood type diet

Diet recommendations for people with this blood group are given regardless of whether they have a positive or negative Rh factor. The diet for the first Rh-positive blood group is similar to the diet for the Rh-negative blood group. Below is a table that systematizes the list of recommended, neutral and prohibited products for people with 1 blood group.

Table of products for the 1st blood group

Recommended Neutral Forbidden
  • By-products (lungs, liver, heart), beef, ground beef, sea / river fish;
  • Soy milk and tofu cheese;
  • Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, chicory, olive / linseed oil;
  • Parsnips, broccoli, kohlrabi, hot peppers, onions / leeks, parsley, pumpkin, spinach, watercress, beetroot, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • Plum, ripe apple, cherry plum, figs, prunes, sweet cherries, pineapple, plum cherry juice;
  • Dandelion, rosehip, linden teas.
  • Duck meat, rabbit meat, broiler chickens, chicken eggs, squid, eel, crustaceans;
  • Carp, tuna, perch, pike perch;
  • Butter, homemade cottage cheese, sunflower, soybean and margarine;
  • Nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts, ) sunflower seeds, cod liver oil;
  • Green peas, beans, peas, asparagus beans;
  • Groats (buckwheat, pearl barley, barley), rye bread and crispbread, rice;
  • Mushrooms (oyster mushroom), cloves, mustard, bay leaves, caraway seeds, coriander, paprika;
  • Mayonnaise, granulated sugar, dill, horseradish, honey;
  • Cucumbers, zucchini, bell peppers, feathers, tomatoes, fennel, carrots, celery, radish, radish;
  • Beets, pineapple, watermelon, grapes, barberry, lingonberry, banana, blueberry, pomegranate, chocolate, cherry, kiwi, grapefruit, pear, lemon, blueberry, raisin, cranberry, gooseberry, raspberry, nectarine, peach, currant;
  • Juice (grape, apricot, grapefruit, birch, pomegranate, cucumber, carrot);
  • Thyme, chamomile, hawthorn, ginseng, raspberry, mint teas;
  • Dry wine (red / white), green tea.
  • Pork, whole milk, bacon, ham, ham, bacon, goose meat;
  • Caviar, pickled herring;
  • Kefir, goat milk, sour cream, yogurt, cow's milk cheese, butter (corn, processed cheese, ice cream, soy, cottonseed, peanut);
  • Wheat, corn starch, cream, wheat bread, pistachios, peanuts, lentils, durum wheat flour, baked goods, semolina, cereal bread, pasta, corn, flour and corn grits, muesli, oat biscuits, wholemeal bread, vinegar;
  • Oat and cornflakes, cinnamon, black pepper, ketchup, nutmeg, pickles and marinades, cabbage (cauliflower, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts), potatoes, mushrooms.

Diet according to the 2nd blood group

The 2 positive blood group diet is based on plant foods and approaches vegetarian diets. The inclusion of meat products in the diet for people who have a 2 positive / negative blood group does not make sense, since it is poorly absorbed and promotes the accumulation of fat. Sometimes you can eat skinless chicken or turkey meat that are neutral. The main sources of animal protein are seafood, fish and soy products (tofu cheese, milk).

Especially useful are: trout, carp, pike, perch, whitefish, cod, mackerel, sardine. It is recommended to eat fish together with vegetables. Dairy products, with the exception of kefir, are also not desirable in the diet. Chicken eggs in the amount of 1-2 pieces per week. Of the cereals, the following are useful: buckwheat, sprouted wheat grains, brown rice, bread made from sprouted wheat grains, but you cannot abuse cereal products - 2-3 times a week.

soy foods on a blood type diet

The menu for the second positive blood group should be dominated by vegetables and fruits, both raw and cooked. It is especially recommended to include broccoli, garlic, pumpkin, chicory, green beans, spinach, onions, carrots, apricots, plums, grapefruit, blackberries, strawberries, lemon, cherries, pineapple, raspberries in the diet. According to reviews, the best effect is achieved when eating fruits that grow in the region of your residence. Various nuts (peanuts), seeds, green tea are extremely useful.

Products for the second blood group

Recommended Neutral Forbidden
  • Fish (pike perch, carp, cod, trout, salmon, fresh, herring, mackerel, olive / flaxseed oils;
  • Soy beans, cheese, soy milk, brown rice, lentils, beans, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat, broccoli, rye loaves, oyster mushrooms, kohlrabi, collard greens, leeks, parsnips, mustard, watercress, chives, turnips;
  • Onions, pumpkin, carrots, beets, chicory, spinach, cherries, cherry plums, lingonberries, blueberries, pineapple, grapefruit, plums, blackberries, cranberries, lemon, figs, blueberries, prunes, apples, peanuts;
  • Juices (cherry, apricot, pineapple, lemon, grapefruit, plum, carrot);
  • Chamomile, hawthorn, rosehip, valerian teas, red wine, green tea.
  • Eggs, turkey, chicken, seaweed, perch, smelt, pike, tuna;
  • Processed cheese, goat milk, yogurt, sour cream, sheep cheese, kefir, homemade cottage cheese, margarine;
  • Cod liver, soybean / sunflower oil, nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almond, pine nuts), sunflower seeds, green peas, peas;
  • Corn starch, rice, barley / pearl barley, corn, oatmeal cookies, honey, asparagus beans;
  • Wheat / rye bread, vanilla, oatmeal, bay leaf, paprika, nutmeg, coriander, cloves, radish, granulated sugar, beets, cucumbers, zucchini (zucchini), fennel, Brussels sprouts, radish, lettuce, celery;
  • Fruit jam / jelly, pickles and marinades, cumin, dill, horseradish, chocolate, white wine.
  • Pork, ham, beef / veal, liver, ground beef, bacon, lard, duck, goose, rabbit, heart;
  • Squid, crustaceans, halibut, caviar, smoked salmon, salted / pickled herring, ham, flounder;
  • Whole / skim milk, cream, ice cream, butter, cottonseed, corn, coconut butter;
  • Muesli, semolina, pistachios, pasta, grain bread, crackers, wheat flakes;
  • Black pepper, ketchup, mayonnaise, tomatoes, white cabbage / cauliflower, mushrooms, olives, hot and sweet peppers, potatoes, rhubarb, tangerine, banana, orange;
  • Juices (orange / tomato), melon, coca-cola, vinegar, vodka, cognac, black tea, beer.

Diet according to the 3rd blood group

The 3 positive blood group diet includes a fairly diverse set of foods. Persons with 3 positive / negative blood group are relatively "omnivorous" and can consume most meat and dairy products (except pork and chicken), lean fish, eggs, cereals (except wheat and buckwheat), mushrooms, legumes and almost all typesvegetables / fruits, with the exception of olives, corn, pumpkin, tomato.

Unwanted products are crustaceans and various types of molluscs, fish roe, waterfowl eggs, sunflower oil, nuts and seeds, edible gelatin, legumes, cheese, ice cream. Equally important for losing weight is the balance of the use of various types of cereals.

meat products on a blood type diet

The use of red / white dry wine is allowed. Nutrition for the third blood group, as evidenced by the reviews of practitioners of such a diet, is complete and easily tolerated. The table below gives an idea of the diet for people with this blood group.

Products for the 3rd blood group

Recommended Forbidden Neutral
  • Rabbit meat, lamb, sturgeon, salmon, pike, perch, cod, flounder, trout, mackerel, halibut hake, pickled herring;
  • Sheep cheese, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, olive oil, homemade cottage cheese;
  • Rice, wheat bread, horseradish, parsley, curry peppers, rutabagas, oatmeal cookies;
  • Cauliflower, white / red, oatmeal, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, collard greens, hot / sweet peppers, beets, watercress, pineapple, lingonberry, banana, grapes, apple, cranberry, coconut, plum, pineapple;
  • Grape juice, rose hips, green tea.
  • Pork, duck / goose, chicken, ham, bacon, chicken, ham, heart, salmon (smoked), caviar, seaweed, crustaceans;
  • Ice cream, peanut butter, margarine, vegetable oil (corn, soybean, sunflower and cottonseed), pistachios, sunflower / pumpkin seeds;
  • Corn, hazelnuts, pine nuts, grain bread, lentils, corn starch, peanuts, beans, wheat, beans, buckwheat, pearl barley / barley, muesli, rye, rye bread, wheat / corn flakes;
  • Mayonnaise, potatoes, rhubarb, radish, cinnamon, ketchup, radish, tomatoes;
  • Pomegranate, avocado, barberry pumpkin, olives, persimmon, pomegranate / tomato juices, linden tea;
  • Lemonade vodka, cognac, coca-cola.
  • Veal / beef, turkey, liver, lard, ground beef, salted herring, carp, smelt, perch, tuna;
  • Cheese, cream, whole milk, processed cheese;
  • Cod liver, butter / linseed oil, walnuts / almonds, green peas, white and asparagus beans, soy cheese;
  • Pasta, honey, soy milk, crackers, rye gingerbread, mustard, vanilla, cloves, apple cider vinegar, wine vinegar, nutmeg, paprika, bay leaf, black pepper, pickles and marinades, fennel;
  • Mushrooms, caraway seeds, dill, kohlrabi chocolate, onions, zucchini, asparagus, parsnips, turnips, beets, celery, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • Melon, spinach, watermelon, grapefruit, cherry, fig, blueberry, raisin, pear, blackberry, blueberry, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, gooseberry, prune, raspberry, nectarine, currant, peach, cherry;
  • Juices: orange, cherry, apricot, cherry plum, birch, lemon, carrot, plum, apple cider;
  • White / red wine, black coffee.

Diet for group 4

The 4 positive blood group diet is moderately mixed - meat (turkey, lamb, rabbit), fish (ocean herring, sturgeon, tuna and sardines), seafood, lactic acid products, cheeses, chicken / quail eggs, olive oil, bean curd, soybeans, lentils and beans, peanuts, walnuts, cod liver, cereals (excluding buckwheat / corn), non-acidic vegetables separately and in salads (excluding peppers).

Nutrition of persons with 4 positive / negative blood group involves the use of a wide range of cereals (oats, rice, rye, millet, buckwheat). And wheat in the diet for weight loss can be present in limited quantities or be completely excluded. Among vegetables, tomatoes and potatoes that are undesirable in the diet of other groups are optimal, and radishes, artichokes and bell peppers should be excluded. Among the fruits, plum grapes and most berries are suitable.

Products for the 4th blood group

Recommended Forbidden Neutral
  • Rabbit meat, lamb, turkey, caviar, sturgeon, salmon, cod, sea bass, pike, pike perch, tuna, mackerel trout;
  • Sour cream, cheese, rice, homemade cottage cheese, walnuts, yogurt, oatmeal;
  • Kefir, olive oil, lentils, rye bread / crisps, parsley, cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli, leafy cress, watercress, parsnips, buckwheat, hot / sweet peppers;
  • Celery, grapes, grapefruit, cherry plum, pineapple, gooseberries, lingonberries, cherries, figs, kiwi, apples, cranberries, lemon, plum nuts, cherries, cabbage, grape, cranberry, cherry, celery juices;
  • Rosehip berries, hawthorn teas, chamomile.
  • Chicken, goose, duck, chicken (broiler), ham, beef, veal, ground beef, bacon, heart, pork, squid, flounder, hake, crustaceans, salmon (smoked), halibut, pickled / salted herring;
  • Cream, whole milk, ice cream, pumpkin seeds, processed cheese, margarine, corn, sunflower oil;
  • Hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, corn flakes, vinegar, corn, corn grits;
  • Pickles and marinades, ketchup, radish, lettuce, black pepper, oranges, banana, black tea.
  • Liver, eggs, skim milk, seaweed;
  • Carp, catfish, perch, fresh herring, cow cheese, soybean, peanut and flaxseed oil, pistachios, green peas, soy cheese, pasta, mayonnaise;
  • Almonds, beans, wheat flakes, wheat bread, paprika, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mustard, parsley, dill, zucchini, nutmeg, bay leaves, chocolate, potatoes;
  • Onions, raisins, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, beets, pumpkin, coriander, cinnamon, beer.

Allowed Products

The dietary food intake by blood type includes:

  • For persons with 1 blood group - meat in the form of beef / lamb, various offal (lungs, brains, liver, heart). Mandatory in the diet is the presence of sea / river fish (sole, halibut, perch, sturgeon, mackerel, trout, herring, cod, sardine, pike). Any bread that does not contain gluten is well digestible - rice, soy and rye bread. From cereals - buckwheat, rice, barley. From the vegetable group in the diet should be present: Chinese cabbage, artichoke, beet leaves, parsley, broccoli, Jerusalem artichoke, spinach, leek, garlic, pumpkin, radish, horseradish; from fruits - plums, figs, pineapple juice, plums, which help to increase metabolism. In smaller quantities allowed: grape and apricot juice, cranberry juice, grapefruit juice. The recommended vegetable fat is olive / linseed oil. It is recommended to use green tea, seaweed, beer, hawthorn / chamomile infusion, red / white wine.
  • For persons with blood group 2 - sea / river fish (mackerel, trout, cod, perch, carp, whitefish, sardine). Especially useful are all soy products - tofu cheese, milk. Most dairy products (goat milk, kefir, processed cheese, yoghurts, Feta, Mozzarella, Ricotta cheeses). The presence in the diet of flaxseed / olive oil, asparagus beans, sprouted grains, legumes, buckwheat is important. From vegetables it is important to include in the diet beet leaves, Jerusalem artichoke, kohlrabi, broccoli, artichoke, red onion, Romaine salad, spinach, garlic, leeks, chicory, horseradish; from fruits - apricot, lingonberry, pineapple, cherry, grapefruit, cranberry, fig, blueberry, lemons, plum. Recommended drinks are water acidified with lemon juice, grapefruit juice, green tea, hawthorn / rosehip decoction, red wine.
  • For persons with blood group 3 - meat (veal, chicken, rabbit, lamb, lamb, game), liver, milk, dairy / fermented milk products, eggs, soy products, cereals - rice, oats, millet, millet. The presence in the diet of fish (perch, halibut, salmon, pike, cod, mackerel, hake, sardine), vegetables (red peppers, carrots, cabbage, eggplant, parsley), mushrooms is mandatory. Useful are herbal teas, grape juice, pineapple juice, cranberry juice, cabbage juice, dry red / white wines, which are recommended to be consumed in small quantities after meals.
  • For persons with blood group 4 - meat (lamb, turkey, rabbit), fish (hake, mackerel, pike, salmon, sardine, cod, perch), cod liver, lactic acid, cheese, olive oil, bean curd, walnuts and peanuts, various cereals (rice, oatmeal), rye and soy bread. Vegetables in the diet should include eggplants, cauliflower, cucumbers, parsley, broccoli, horseradish, garlic, beans, celery. Fruits such as cherries, lemons, pineapples, grapefruit and grape juices, kiwi, plums are useful. Recommended drinks include green tea, chamomile, hawthorn, and mint teas.

Fully or partially limited products

The diet of individuals by blood group excludes the following foods:

  • For people with the first blood group - pork and goose meat. It is not recommended to consume smoked fish, caviar of any kind, large amounts of butter, chicken eggs and dairy products. It is forbidden to use cottage cheese, dairy products, processed cheeses, whey, whole / diluted cow's milk. Excluded from the diet: white bread, cereals from wheat cereals, corn and oatmeal, cottonseed, peanut, corn, vegetable oil, ketchup, marinades. Undesirable vegetables: eggplants, cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes, black olives.
  • For persons with blood group 2 - some types of fish (flounder, anchovies, herring, halibut, beluga), caviar, smoked salmon, seafood (squid, octopus, crabs, lobster, shrimp), crayfish, oysters. It is not recommended to use butter, whole / skim milk, creamy and hard cheeses, ice cream, milkshakes, white bread, kefir, yoghurts, processed cheese, goat's milk, pastries, cereals. From fats, cottonseed, corn, peanut, sesame vegetable oil, margarine, butter, solid animal fats should be excluded from the diet. It is not recommended to consume certain types of vegetables and fruits, as well as tomato / orange juices, cocktails with vodka, beer, coca-cola, soda drinks, black tea.
  • For persons with blood group 3 - pork, chicken, goose, fish caviar, legumes, buckwheat and wheat, legumes, crabs, hard cheese, pumpkin seeds. Excluded from vegetables: radish, tomatoes, radishes. The use of sunflower oil, white / black pepper, ice cream, persimmon and pomegranate, spirits is not allowed.
  • For people with blood group 4 - pork, goose, veal, ham / bacon, butter, seafood. It is not allowed to consume sunflower oil, apple cider vinegar, corn, buckwheat, wheat, sunflower seeds. From vegetables / fruits prohibited: radishes, radishes, peppers, oranges, mangoes.

Menu (Power Mode)

The food menu is drawn up on a list of food items recommended for people with different blood groups. The diet is usual, there are no restrictions in the methods of culinary processing of products.

Pros and cons

pros Minuses
  • The diet includes a large list of foods allowed for consumption, which makes it possible to diversify the menu, and is easily tolerated.
  • It can be prescribed for a long period.
  • The general nature of the recommendations, there are no instructions on the compatibility of products, and in what quantity to use them.

Blood type diet opinions and results

Nutrition by blood group, as evidenced by reviews of individuals practicing this diet, causes a lot of controversy, both in terms of evidence of this theory and in practical application. Therefore, it is difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions. The opinions of people who used this diet differ: some managed to lose extra pounds, while others did not change their weight.